⛓️Network, Protocols and Tokens supported


These are the Brian-supported chains right now:

  • Ethereum

  • Base

  • Optimism

  • Arbitrum

  • ZK Sync

  • Polygon

  • Blast

  • Scroll

  • Gnosis chain

  • Taiko

  • BSC

  • Avalanche

  • Starknet


Swap and Bridge

For the swap, bridge, and cross-chain swap operations, Brian leverages the following solvers:

Offering best routes for swap, cross-swap, and bridge operations on different chains.

Deposit and Withdraw to/from DeFi protocols

For the deposit and withdraw operations, Brian leverages Enso solver. We currently support the following protocols, tokens and chains:

  • Ethereum mainnet

    • AAVE v3

    • Lido Finance

    • Frax Finance

    • Rocket Pool

    • Spark

    • Gearbox

    • Compound v2

  • Arbitrum

    • AAVE v3

  • Optimism

    • AAVE v3

  • Polygon

    • AAVE v3

Borrow and Repay from DeFi protocols (AAVE v3)

We currently support AAVE v3 for the borrow, repay, and check parameters (loan-to-value, health rate, liquidation threshold, borrowed amount, borrowable amount) on the following chains:

  • Ethereum mainnet

  • Arbitrum

  • Optimism

  • Base

  • Polygon

AAVE is also supported for the deposit and withdraw actions as specified above.


Here you can query all the supported tokens leveraging LI.FI API:


Last updated