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📣 Update #3 - July 2024

New API release including the following updates:


  • fromAmountUsd in the description for swap and bridge operations

  • new amountToApprove parameter in API response. This parameter represents the eventual amount to approve before executing the requested transaction

  • custom error if the destination chain of a bridge is not currently supported

  • general bug fixing and minor improvements

📣 Update #2 - June 2024

New API release including the following updates:


  • new chain: Blast

  • the token amount for withdraw operation can be a percentage of the user position too. Such as "withdraw half of my steth from lido on ethereum"

  • the token amount for repay operation can be a percentage of the user position too. Such as "repay half of my usdc debt on aave on arbitrum"

  • new supported actions:

    • AAVE actions (on on Ethereum, Optimism, Arbitrum, Polygon and Base):

      • borrow tokens from aave v3 . Such as "borrow 2 usdc from aave" or "borrow 5 dollars of eth from aave"

      • reapy debt on aave v3 . Such as "repay 2 usdc debt on aave on polygon" or "repay half of my eth debt on aave on base "

      • Check loan-to-value, liquidation threshold, total debt, borrowed amount, borrowable amount and other info from aave-v3

  • general bug fixing and minor improvements

📣 Update #1 - May 2024

New API release including the following updates:


  • new chain: Scroll

  • chain extraction from the text prompt such as swap 10 usdc to dai on Base. chainId in the body is now an optional parameter

  • address parameter in the body can now be an ENS (.eth) domain

  • the token amount can be expressed as a number ( swap 10 usdc to dai), as a dollar amount (swap 10 dollars of eth to dai), or as a percentage of the address balance passed into the body (swap half of my usdc to dai)

  • new supported actions:

    • DeFi actions:

      • direct deposit on Lido finance protocol

      • deposit to DeFi protocols using Enso solver

      • withdraw from DeFi protocols using Enso solver

    • ENS actions:

      • check ENS availability

      • check ENS expiration

      • ENS forward resolution

      • ENS reverse resolution

      • ENS registration cost

      • ENS registration and renewal

  • parallelization of solvers for swap and bridge, we now support Enso and LiFi for swap and bridge operations to provide an answer in case one of them fails or does not support the requested route

  • general bug fixing and minor improvements

Last updated